1. What is Flora Thickened Plant Cream?
2. How does Flora Thickened Plant cream differ from dairy cream?
3. Is Flora Thickened Plant Cream vegan?
4. Is Flora Thickened Plant Cream dairy free, soy free?
5. Is Flora Thickened Plant Cream gluten free?
6. Is Flora Thickened Plant Cream KOSHER?
7. Is Flora Thickened Plant Cream HALAL?
8. Is it non-GMO?
9. Is it plant-based?
10. What are the ingredients of Flora Thickened Plant Cream?
11. Can Flora Thickened Plant Cream be used like dairy cream?
12. Is it possible to freeze Flora Thickened Plant Cream?
13. What is the shelf life of Flora Thickened Plant cream?
14. How long does the plant cream last after it’s been opened?
15. Is the packaging resealable?
16. Should the Flora Thickened Plant Cream be whipped chilled or at room temperature?
17. How many calories per serving does Flora Thickened Plant Cream have?
18. How long should it take to whip?
19. Can Flora Thickened Plant Cream be whipped by hand?
20. How does the performance of Flora Thickened Plant Cream compare to traditional dairy cream?
21. What should the plant cream taste like without adding ingredients like sugar and vanilla when preparing?
22. Can you put the plant cream in hot drinks?
23. Should you shake the container before you whip it?
24. How does Flora Thickened Plant Cream work with heat in cooking?
25. Can you use it to make ice cream?
26. Can the plant cream be frozen?
27. The lid fell off. Is the product still good to use?
28. What recipes can you make with Flora Thickened Plant Cream?
29. Can Flora Thickened Plant Cream be used like dairy cream?
30. Can I recycle the Flora Thickened Plant cream packaging with the rest of my paper recycling?
31. Where is Flora Thickened Plant Cream made?
32. Does it contain palm oil?
33. Does Flora Thickened Plant Cream use artificial colourings?
34. How much does Flora Thickened Plant Cream cost?