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  • What is the difference between Veganism and Vegetarianism?

    Veganism is defined as a lifestyle in which an individual attempts to exclude all forms of animal exploitation. This often involves removing all animal and animal derived foods and ingredients from a diet, including meat, gelatin, milk, eggs and honey.
    Furthermore, being vegan involves abstaining from buying materials or products derived from animal sources such as fur, silk, wool and leather. This also includes removing cosmetics, personal care and household products that are tested on animals and made with animal derived ingredients.

    Typically, vegetarianism involves not eating meat, poultry or seafood, whilst still consuming dairy and eggs. In this way, vegetarianism is quite different to veganism as it does not include removing certain personal care and household products and simply outlines dietary exclusions.

    Flora, Flora ProActiv and Bertolli spreads are suitable for vegetarians.